O melhor lado da Marina Park Hotel fortaleza

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Este KAYAK pesquisa centenas por sites de viagem de modo a ajudar você a encontrar e reservar a oferta perfeita no Marina Park. R$ 288 por noite (Preço inicial mais recente de modo a o hotel).

* Rooms Left refers to the number of rooms left on Booking.usando at the lowest rate provided. Other rooms may be available on other sites.

All such property, brand, and company names are the registered trademarks or intellectual property of their respective owners. Click here for more information.

Muitos sites de viagens oferecem descontos ou ofertas em horários diferentes para quartos em Marina Park e este KAYAK fornece preçESTES do uma Enorme variedade de sites do viagens. Isso significa qual você em algum momento Têm a possibilidade de encontrar ótimas ofertas para este Marina Park.

Guest Reservations™ is not owned or sponsored by any particular hotel or chain. The use of any hotel trademarks or information is solely for reference purposes in helping customers identify the travel destinations of their choice.

Location and Access – The hotel is on a prime ocean front position separated from the Praia de Iracema by a busy road. Nearby are many similar high-rise hotels and residences. There are only very limited shopping, restaurant and bar choices within close walking distance. The nearest supermarkets are a 10 to 15-minute walk. Fortaleza centre is 25 to 30 minute walk. Airport is 25 minutes by car – but allow extra time due to a major highway construction project. Close to the Beira Mar with some interesting places and amazing street art. Uber can get you to most places safely and cheaply Google Earth – The hotel can be seen on Street View Architectural Style – A brutal high rise 23 storey building clad in blocks of smoked glass and black and white ceramic tiles I am going to divert from my usual review format as there are issues that have been raised by other commentators on TA which need a response and I think that the hotel management may be in the process [link] vinculado aqui of taking action to address these points Staffing and Hospitality – My first hurdle. I don’t speak any Portuguese. Before arrival email enquiries were responded to quickly, professionally and in English. Check in and Check out on 2 occasions went very smoothly and any requests dealt with satisfactorily including storage of luggage during a side trip to Brasilia. Door and security staff were always very welcoming. Housekeeping – invisible but excellent with room and public areas perfectly clean.

Neste hotel por Fortaleza, você pode desfrutar da banheira por hidromassagem e piscina ao ar livre na cobertura enquanto contempla a vista da Praia do Meireles, situada do outro lado da rua.

Breakfast is served every morning in the restaurant. The accommodation is set within a short walking distance of the restaurant Nordestina Xique Xique.

Boasting an outdoor pool with sun terrace and surrounded by green areas, Hotel Vento País do futebol offers charming accommodation with free WiFi. Nice pool and lounge area, very proper and regularly cleaned.

Passa por uma viagem Nossos clientes se hospedam na propriedade e conferem a tranquilidade do quarto, a excelência da comida, a simpatia da equipe e muito Muito mais.

The staff were very friendly and helpful. Victor and Alessandra from the reception desk helped me a lot and facilitated my stay.

Passa por uma viagem Nossos clientes se hospedam na propriedade e conferem a tranquilidade do quarto, a capacidade da comida, a simpatia da equipe e bem Muito mais.

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